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About the IMELD team

Your strategic partner for your AI needs in training and development

The world of AI has generated a lot of excitement and many have seen ways it can make the world a better place. From consumers to businesses. From creating new products to making old processes more efficient.

At IMELD we firmly see AI as a force for good in business. We do not see it as a way to replace people but as a tool for people to harness and make themselves better. It could be to improve productivity, to automate mundane tasks, or it can be used as an educational tool for self improvement.

One thing AI will not be replacing any time soon is top level decision making, and human’s inner need to build relationships to create bonds of trust. By gaining that trust as a strategic partner, the decision maker is able to mitigate inner feelings of risk hence fear of possible failure.

Our coaching tools teach people to speak the same language as your target partner and break down quickly those barriers to trust by pinpointing their needs accurately and quickly and then provide a pathway to progressing that relationship. Our pitching tools allow you to simulate your pitch in a safe and secure environment with evaluation and metrics on effectiveness. Our training course tools take your own internal material and allows you to measure the effectiveness of the course material as well as the knowledge of the people that have taken it.

Our world-class subject matter and technology experts act as an innovation incubator, focused on harnessing the power of AI to solve L&D problems.
As business leaders with experience from a range of global organizations, we are acutely aware of the critical challenges faced in deploying effective global L&D programs.

Our team is drawn from positions of authority in the corporate world, where the HR and training needs are well understood and defined, and the world of technology and start-ups where self improvement is a continual requirement for survival.

We often see a business take an off-the-shelf solution and try and shoehorn it into their requirements. Though this may initially appear as a low barrier to entry, as the scope expands then the business can rapidly see costs spiral out of control. At IMELD we develop our products from first principles with a clear path to scaling as the clients' needs grow.

We often see a technology company develop a product before trying to market it. We work hand in hand with our customers as we grow the features of our products to ensure that there is optimal synergy between our products and its users.

We aim to use our close team of business and technology leaders to bridge that gap between in-house and completely outsourced solutions.

Our research team keeps us abreast of the latest developments and breakthroughs. Our prompt engineers test the latest models for accuracy and integrate where necessary into our products.

We are looking to be the Apple of the corporate training course world. We want to take cutting edge technology but hide the power under the hood behind an easy to use interface. The aim is for complete immersion for the staff where they can believe they are in the room chatting naturally to somebody. The privacy, repeatability, and impartiality will be loved by its users. Management have a simple dashboard where they can track progress at a macro level without being overwhelmed with data, but are able to drill down where they need to for a more detailed view. Accessibility must be a priority at all levels.

Your next step is to CONTACT US now:

Please email us at mark@imeld.ai or telephone on +44 (0)7785 1234 5678.
